Thursday, 29 March 2018

Similes and metaphors with Oisin

* C R I N G E   A L E R T *

Hey guys! Here is some stuff that I'm working on abou similes and metaphors. I'm supposed to add two of the similes that I have written about what I see and hear at my school. I'm also going to start to post more stuff on this blog about my drawings and stuff. Here are some of my favorites.  I see children tapping away on their keyboards like they are on a ant squashing spree. I see stitched together rock walls. I hear a loud whistle piercing through the vast silence. I hear the flaps of my paper that sound like splashes in the water. If you are still reading this (which I doubt you are) then you shall be awarded with the "Extreme cringe dude" medal and a bag of chips. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day!
Blog ya later!
By the way you don't get a bag of chips.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Race relations day activity 22/3/18 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)