Monday, 28 May 2018

Oisin's invertebrate and vertebrate unit.

This is a slideshow I did about vertebrate and invertebrate animals. I put a ton of effort in and I hope you enjoy.

Room 23's grand adventure in the community gardens.

Monday, 21 May 2018

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

The amazing animal classification unit.

Mammal, human.
T-shirt, pants of some sort, underpants.
Shoes. Jacket (occasionally).
Water and almost any food. ALMOST
Walking, skateboarding, running and biking.
Couch, outside, skatepark, local playcenter
School, friend’s house, computer and more.
Interesting Facts
See above.

Friday, 4 May 2018

100 word challenge 2

Private Jones was alone in the dark, he could hear distant gunshots and shouting. Then the shouts
became screams. And then, they were gone… He could hear the ground crunching and churning.
Then a clawed hand popped out. Jones held his breath as he hid behind the rock…

The white house

“This is a problem we need to put a end to!” said some military official. “MEN!” barked the 89th president
of the United states. “We have to send them in.” “I think that Commander Mackenzie has made himself
clear.” Mackenzie smirked. The president glared at him. “Send in shadow division.”

100 word challenge

All of a sudden the sky went dark…

500 days earlier...
Esuarell settlement, Venus.
“Alright lads, we’re gonna be boarding the Prometheus in five minutes, so getchur’ butts ready!” said
sergeant Daniels. Private Jones was currently putting his kevlar vest on, and loading his laser rifle.
They boarded the ship in rows of two and got into the sleep machines…

The alarms screeched as the machine doors opened. Five people were already up with their rifles
pointed out the door. Private Jones darted out of the ship and outside. All of a sudden he realised that
he forgot his gun…

Some writing about my holiday.

My Holiday
By Oisin
Our car’s engine was fighting it’s way up the bumpy road of dirt and stone. The hills were bouncing up
and down as we admired the view out the windows. It was beautiful. Native birds swooped over the roof
as we came to the lodge.
My Aunt’s car was parked in the gravel car park. Me and my sister hopped out of the car and went to
greet our family and help with the bags.
Time: Around 4:00 pm
The river
Me and my cousin Raglan had finished building a massive fort out of the mattresses we were supplied
with. This was inside a small hall east to the carpark. If you walked up the path leading to it you would
pass the cooler and if you looked left you would find the main boulding. The main building was small and
had around 6 rooms in it. One of the being the lounge and the other being the pantry. Me and my cousin
Raglan decided it would be fun to go tubing down the river nearby. This river had a small set of rapids
that was great for going down. Me, Raglan, My uncle (Rag’s dad) and a whole load of relatives that we
didn’t expect to come (to the rapids) went (to the rapids).
To make a long story short. It was awesome.
Time 8:00 or 9:00 pm

It all started when my dad suggested we have a midnight feast as a joke. Me and Raglan actually
considered this as a good idea. We got ready to put our grand plan into action. Getting ready means me
putting on my wunzy and getting a backpack. I put on the wunzy because I thought I would be funny.
It was. It started out as a stealth mission, us scouting the area, marking out where people were. Then,
we ran. We bust open the door and dart into the pantry, Raglan slams the pantry door shut. Three people
were in there at the time. But we didn’t care. I, being the SMART kid I am, grabbed only OUR stuff.
Some gluten free biscuits (we later found had raisins in them) Some tea bags (we later found had
CHOCOLATE in them) and some other stuff I forgot about. We ran back into our base and enjoyed the
rest of our stay.

Me and Felix's ways to stay on the right thing at the right time

Me and Felix's ways to stay on the right thing at the right time

Felix's blog

Click here!